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The Experiment, A Violet Novella

prequel to the  Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate  trilogy

As the title says The Experiment, A Violet Novella is a prequel to the Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate trilogy. Readers of books 1 & 2  loved Violet and it seemed appropriate to share her story. Unlike the trilogy, The Experiment is not a horror, but, as an ARC reader said, “…it is a captivating, gripping and heartfelt tale.”

Hiding from the world was the only life Violet had ever known. What other choice did a genetic experiment who happened to resemble a fairy have? If found, she would be killed and dissected. Wouldn’t she?

After a lifetime of living in the shadows, Violet was about to find out. Thrust into a world beyond the four walls she’d always known as home, Violet has to fend for herself. Staying out of sight is vital to her survival, but maybe being found is just what Violet needs to discover herself.

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    Violet & the Mal Rous ~ from THE EXPERIMENT, & SWEET DESIRE, WICKED FATE