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Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate
First off, this book is nothing I excepted it to be, which is a refreshing because I love reading and watching movies. Story lines can be predictable and often times there is repetitive character arcs and heroines/heros, but what I loved about this book is, the main character Jaden is an awkward average girl who grows into a confident person, which to me is more realistic and relatable. I also liked, as a reader, we found things out as Jaden did, and how that added the “edge of the seat” feeling because it’s so exciting finding out about the Mal Rous as Jaden did. Often times being the reader, we are privy to information that the main character isn’t, and though that story line works very well, I feel like learning about this new world with the main character pulls me into the story more and adds a thrilling adventure that really fits this story. I also really enjoyed learning about new creatures, Ardan takes the story down such a realistic path by meddling the real world with a dark background on how these creatures we created. This book has everything, a coming of age young heroine who finds how she fits in the world, thrilling creatures; the frightening Mal Rous, and a budding romance (which I always love seeing two people come closer together). – 5 Stars ~ Amazon Reviewer
“…the story’s original characters, well-constructed plot, moving portrayal of teenaged angst and lust, and effective blending of genres should satisfy young adult readers looking for a fresh new fantasy series.” – BlueInk Review
Imagine Jade Gone
“Imagine Jade Gone by Wray Ardan is the sequel to Sweet Desire,Wicked Fate. It’s refreshing to see each of the characters grow and change by the end. It’s not just one person’s journey. Jaden is the type of heroine that you want to see succeed and earn her happy ending. Ardan creates a range of characters that aren’t perfect, they make mistakes, but they learn and keep going. I sympathized more with Jaden than anyone, but by the end I understood Ava and Briz, and it was nice to see them all grow. Wray Ardan strikes the perfect balance between humor, family and romance with the classic horror elements. The ending is a complete surprise and took me off guard, leaving me desperately needing more of Jaden’s story.” – 5 Stars ~ Review by Liz Konkel for Readers’ Favorite
“Jaden Lisette is a strong female character that I was able to respect and admire because of her willingness to protect others, as well as her ability to face horror without losing herself in the process. I enjoyed the horror aspects of the book and I felt the author found a good balance between horror and nightmare inducing terror; the romance was well done and felt very real, even without any sexual scenes. Overall, as an adult I enjoyed the book and I feel that I would have enjoyed it even more when I was a young adult!” – 5 Stars ~ Review by Sefina Hawke for Readers’ Favorite
The Experiment, A Violet Novella
The Experiment, A Violet Novella by Wray Ardan is a prequel to the Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate trilogy. This is a wonderful prequel that serves as a delightful treat for fans of the series while it is also able to be read on its own. Ardan explores Violet’s emotional state as she’s conflicted between a need for escape and an attachment to the only life she’s known. The Experiment is a delightful story that introduces fans of Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate to the origins of Violet, and the creations of Dekle through this exciting adventure that explores freedom and oppression. – 5 Stars ~ Review by Liz Konkel for Readers’ Favorite