
Young Adult, Horror Romance Trilogy


A wickedly sweet tale
filled with danger, humor, and the intoxicating passion of first love.

Sweet Desire Wicked Fate
Book 1 of the Trilogy

Gold Medal Award Winning Young Adult Horror, Romance novel. Sensuous and suspenseful, Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate is a hair-raising young adult fantasy thriller filled with unique creatures, horror, humor, and the intoxicating passion of first love.

Buried family secrets can be deadly when uncovered.

What Jaden Lisette knew for certain:

  1. Monsters are real.
  2. She was madly in love with Briz Nolan.
  3. The American poet e.e. cummings was right. It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.

Jaden never imagined she might not live to see her sixteenth birthday, or that bonding with a feral pack of monsters could be her only chance of survival. After arriving to a small Louisiana town, Jaden meets Briz Nolan and envisions falling in love—until she stumbles upon a dangerous secret lurking on her ancestral property, causing a horrifying twist in the lives of the two would be lovers. To save her family, Jaden must befriend the feral creatures and eliminate them. But, as the days pass, she wonders, who is her real family…her mother and sister, or the monsters?

Imagine Jade Gone
Book 2 of the Trilogy

If you like magical realism, original creatures, dark suspense, and simmering chemistry, then you’ll love Wray Ardan’s Award Winning sequel to Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate 

The bayou holds terrors that can devour her alive.

After barely escaping a horrifying pack of hybrid mutants, Jaden wants to put the deadly ordeal behind her, especially now that her future includes the sweet and sexy Briz Nolan. But when a new, deadlier species of creatures is set loose, Jaden and Briz’s chance of survival quickly becomes as murky as the bayou water surrounding them.

As Jaden battles her new living nightmares, an old adversary returns, intent on revenge. This time, every last ounce of her strength and courage may not be enough to save the ones she loves…or herself.


A Violet Novella

A Prequel to the Young Adult Romance Horror Trilogy
Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate

Hiding from the world was the only life Violet had ever known. What other choice did a genetic experiment who happened to resemble a fairy have? If found, she would be killed and dissected. Wouldn’t she? After a lifetime of living in the shadows, Violet was about to find out.

Thrust into a world beyond the four walls she’d always known as home, Violet has to fend for herself. Staying out of sight is vital to her survival, but maybe being found is just what Violet needs to discover herself.

Book 3 Coming Soon


Literary Classics Book Reviews
Sweet Desire Wicked Fate is a hair-raising dark fantasy thriller interspersed with fantastic moments of humor which will hold great appeal for teenage girls. With well-developed characters, and a unique plot, this book is hard to put down.
Readers' Favorite
Imagine Jade Gone ~ Ardan strikes the perfect balance between humor, family and romance with the classic horror elements. The ending is a complete surprise and took me off guard, leaving me desperately needing more of Jaden’s story.
Amazon Customer
Sweet Desire Wicked Fate ~ I truly enjoyed reading this book! I could not put it down and would think about it all day until I could pick it up again. I am looking forward to when the second book comes out.
ARC Reviewer
Imagine Jade Gone ~ This book was hard to put down. It brought the same awesome impact as the first book and held its own as a sequel. Well written, interesting storyline, love the character development and it was just captivating.

Book 3 of the trilogy Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate is in the works.
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Advance Reader Copy – ARC, to read and review, when the book is completed.